Joshua Geblein Receives Bill Dorsey Scholarship

The Bill Dorsey Scholarship Fund for the Barbara Ingram School, a component fund of the Community Foundation, selected high school senior Joshua Geblein as this year’s recipient. After winning a People's Choice Award in 2008, Reverend Janice Dorsey chose to name the endowment established in her honor after her late husband, creating the Bill Dorsey Scholarship. The scholarship provides a grant to a student at the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts (BISFA) to help offset the cost of materials, supplies and other elements directly related to their arts discipline.2015 winner Joshual Geblein  with Ed Dorsey and Rob HovermaleThis year’s recipient, Joshua Geblein, is a vocalist at BISFA and participates in two ensembles each year, including musical theater and Chamber Choir. He also takes master classes, has individual lessons and attends the Evolution Rock School. Joshua is a member of both the Ringgold Church of Christ Teen Worship Band and Adult Worship Band. He has studied piano, vocals and drums for the past six years. Joshua plans to use his scholarship to purchase his own recording equipment and software in hopes of becoming a professional singer/songwriter one day.


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Unrestricted Grant Applications Available