Karen Dee and Thomas Allen Grosh Fund Created

Washington County natives Karen and Thomas Grosh have established a fund with the Community Foundation of Washington County, to benefit the charitable interests of the Grosh family.

“We are planting a ‘mustard seed’ and as life-long residents of Washington County Maryland, we want to be able to help our community meet the needs of today and the future,” said Thomas (Tom) Grosh.

After learning that all an individual needs is $1,000 to start a fund with the Community Foundation, they met with staff and formed a plan to connect their philanthropic goals with a practical approach. Once the fund reaches a certain level of endowment, disbursements will be able to be made, through the Foundation, to worthy recipients.

“Karen and I were both raised to pay it forward and to be a part of the change to make our community a better place to live and work. God has called us to lead by example and we hope we can inspire others to follow and start a donor fund,” continued Grosh.


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