People's Choice Award Recipient Brent Feight Creates BFM Architects Hospice of Washington County Benevolence Fund

People's Choice awardee Brent Feight has created a Fund to benefit the Benevolence Fund at Hospice which works to enhance the quality of life for individuals and their families facing a life-limiting illness even in ways that are outside the scope of the traditional hospice benefit. Often Hospice of Washington County’s nurses, nursing assistants, chaplains, social workers and volunteers visit their new patients and find that they have insufficient food, inadequate heating or cooling, gas to go to doctor’s appointments, and much more. If HWC can help patients and their families with their immediate needs, it will allow the patients to focus on living their life to the fullest and allow the Hospice staff to focus on their care. The fund also helps their patient’s families who are in need of assistance with funeral expenses so that they can have a dignified burial.To make a donation to this fund, simply click on "DONATE NOW" at the top of our homepage.


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