Teen Pregnancy Prevention Fund Awards $1,700 to Three Nonprofit Organizations

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Endowment Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation presented its second year of grants today. Three nonprofit organizations received money to support programs and education addressing teen pregnancy and unsafe sexual practices in teens. The nonprofits included Boys and Girls Club of Washington County, Community Free Clinic and Together with Families/Washington County Family Center.IMG_1685Boys and Girls Club of Washington County received a $500 grant for SMART Girls, a program providing guidance on healthy attitudes and lifestyles through group activities, field trips, mentoring and college visits for girls’ ages 8-17. SMART Girls offers club members a safe setting to address health and social issues unique to them and build the necessary skills to resist negative influences such as drugs, alcohol and premature sexual activity.The Community Free Clinic will use their $600 grant for SWAG (Services We All Get), which focuses on addressing the high risk behaviors of Washington County teenagers between 13-19 years old. This free program includes education and outreach, birth control, pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment, emergency contraception and LGBT safe space in a strictly confidential, non-judgmental atmosphere.The grant of $600 for Together with Families/Washington County Family Center will go towards their Teen Parent Panel that educates teens and adolescents about the rights, responsibilities and realities of teen parenting, as well as delaying or reducing sexual activity. The Teen Parent Panel consists of young parents who have volunteered to share their message of the difficulties and challenges they face as a teen parent.


Applications Open for George R. Moore Wildlife Preservation Fund


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