Teen Pregnancy Prevention Fund Accepting Grant Applications

Grant applications are now being accepted for the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Fund, with a deadline of Monday, August 10th, at midnight.Applications can be filed online: https://app.smarterselect.com/programs/66909-Community-Foundation-Of-Washington-County-Md-IncGrants will be directed to programs specifically targeting a decrease in teen pregnancy and unsafe sexual practices in teens. Preference may be given to organizations or programs that offer education and programming to parents of pre-teens and teens.Suggested amount for grant applications are $600. However, requests for other amounts will not be disqualified.Applicant organizations must be based in and primarily serving Washington County, Maryland, and have a current 501(c) (3) determination from the IRS.Organizations may apply for funding for more than one program; however, each program requires a separate grant application.Why care about teen pregnancy?Washington County's vital statistics demonstrate that our County has consistently ranked as having the 3rd or 4th highest teen birth rate in Maryland for many years. While the National and State and Washington County teen birth rates have shown dramatic improvement there is still much to be done to impact this issue."Compared to women who delay childbearing, teen mothers are less likely to complete high school and more likely to end up on welfare. The children of teen mothers are at significantly increased risk of low birth weight and pre-maturity, mental retardation, poverty, growing up without a father, welfare dependency, poor school performance, insufficient health care, inadequate parenting, and abuse and neglect."Parents Influence"Parents have a very important influence on whether their teenagers become pregnant or cause a pregnancy. Parents need to know that when it comes to young people’s decisions about sex, their influence has not been lost to peers and popular culture. They are powerful and they can use this power in sound, helpful ways." Organizations or programs that offer educational seminars, workshops and printed materials that provide parents practical information about what they can do to help their children delay sexual activity and avoid teen pregnancy are needed in Washington County. 


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